
60 min

During this reading, I will tune into your energy and that of your spirit guides, in order to bring forth insightful messages of guidance regarding various areas of your personal and spiritual life. The focus of every psychic reading is to help you see life through a more spiritual lens and receive upliftment and support where you need it the most. If you are looking for some clarity on your spiritual journey at this time, this session is for you!

Life guidance

Valuable insights into various areas of your personal life

Spiritual potential

Discover, or further explore your unique spiritual path

Spirit guides

Better understand how your guides are working with you

What to expect

As the connection is built and the reading begins, I will tune into your aura and start talking about the various colours I see and how they relate to your life at the moment. With the help of my spirit team and your guides, I will then also bring through evidential messages regarding your spiritual journey in life at the moment. Every psychic reading is intended to be a spiritual experience focused on receiving uplifting and guiding messages, therefore nothing scary will ever be shared. Towards the end of the session you will also have the opportunity to ask your spirit guides questions you may have, however, an answer cannot be guaranteed.

Important note:

Every spiritual exploration is experimental by nature, therefore, no results can ever be guaranteed. A psychic reading is not offered as a means of fortune-telling and is not intended to replace any other professional advice. We simply aim to guide and assist those who are already exploring their life through a more spiritual perspective. We cannot demand of the Spirit, only offer our trust and be open to experiencing their love in return.

Customer reviews

Through his teachings I experienced an awakening of my mind and soul. He helped me figure out how to work in better harmony with my guides.

Eleni I.
on attending a workshop

The Demonstration was an amazing experience, with comforting messages from our loved ones. Thanks!

Stella A.
on a public demonstration

I felt the most amazing energy as he started to overwhelming feeling of peace and Spirit presence during our reading. Highly recommended!

Kimberly B.
on a Mediumship reading

The energy was amazing and I could feel my mood changing and improving as we spoke. He clearly has a special gift that he uses well and with respect.

Fiona A.
on a Psychic reading

The workshop was absolutely fascinating and so much fun, thank you so much xx

Sharron C.
on attending a workshop

I cannot recommend him enough. I got a million confirmations about my life path and our session felt nothing short of magical.

Céline L.
on a Psychic reading

This dude is simply the best and he really loves what he does. Highly recommended!!

Gina G.
on a public demonstration

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Questions & answers

What does "Spirit" mean?

Spirit is a collective term used to describe all the discarnate souls that make up the collective intelligence of the other side. Some may also refer to the same collective as God, universal consciousness etc. It does not matter what your personal belief system may be, those who love you from the other side of life will always be with you, regardless of how you choose to refer to them.

Do we need protection from Spirit?

Evil is an energy only created through the unbalanced states of the human mind. Once we are released from our physical incarnation into our greater discarnate reality, our soul is always pure, kind and connected to the collective. Nothing bad will ever originate from the Spirit and so we will never need to protect ourselves from those in the other world. Love and perpetual growth is the guiding force of the Spirit.

What is the purpose of a psychic reading?

The purpose of a psychic reading is to help you see life through a more spiritual lens and receive upliftment and support where you need it the most. By aligning yourself to your soul's needs you may achieve a life that is filled with an abundance of self love and a higher purpose.

What is the purpose of a mediumship reading?

The purpose of mediumship is to bring forth evidence of the survival of the soul after the death of the physical body. Those we love continue living after death and often want to communicate their new reality to their loved ones still in the physical world. They may want to share messages of love, survival and the continued evolution of their consciousness on the other side of life through a medium. A medium, through their sensitivity, acts like the bridge between the two worlds. The Spirit is eternal and so is the love that connects us all.

What is the purpose of healing?

The purpose of healing is to bring about more balance to your spiritual, emotional and physical state. Throughout this process we only aim to provide an additional layer of support to your ongoing healing journey. No results can ever be guaranteed, but we will always do our best to create a beautiful and supportive atmosphere for you during your healing process.

Can we choose which loved one will come through in a reading?

We cannot make any demands of the Spirit, we can only be open minded and have faith in their love. As the art of mediumistic communication is very experimental by nature, we cannot always guarantee a result. Although we do not understand the complexities of the Spirit, usually the person who needs to communicate with us the most will come through. Our loved ones in Spirit can hear our thoughts and so I believe they always make their best efforts to communicate with us.

How can I prepare for a psychic, or mediumship reading?

All spiritual connections require a level of inner harmony to take place. I always come into these sessions with an open mind and a loving heart, in order to best place my trust in the hands of the Spirit and so I invite you to do the same. As you may already be experiencing some intense emotions leading up to the reading, it's important that you take a minute to center yourself before our session. Open your heart and your thoughts to your own Spirit and to those who guide you from the other side. Simply focus your thoughts on feelings of love and gratitude. Do this for a few minutes before we go online.

How can I prepare for a healing session?

When preparing for this online session it is important that you are sitting, or laying somewhere quiet and comfortable. Healing can be a very beautiful experience and a time to really connect with your own body and spirit. For this reason, creating an environment for yourself that makes you feel safe and focused is the best way to prepare for the session.

Psychic reading - 60min

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